Front-End Web Developer

Hello, I'm Shaina De Guzman. A Front-End Web Developer who is passionate about building the User Interface of Websites and Web Applications.

view resume (PDF)


Who is Shaina?

I'm Shaina De Guzman

I'm an Information Technology Graduate who has an interest in Front-End Web Development. I love seeing web designs and feel excited about building and turning them into a real website.

My passion and interest in Web Development, especially in the Front-End makes me build my own personal website. Currently, I'm looking for an opportunity where I can use the skills that I'm passionate about.

My tool box

  • html logo HTML
  • css-3 logo CSS
  • javascript logo JavaScript
  • sass logo Sass
  • photoshop logo Adobe Photoshop
  • illustrator logo Adobe Illustrator


I've built several websites and applications. Here are the some of them


Personal Website

This is my portfolio website. I use CSS Flexbox and Grid for my layout. I built this from scratch using HTML, CSS, SASS, and JavaScript.

civil service reviewer image

Civil Service Reviewer

This is a Civil Service Reviewer project. I design and develop the UI of this project using Figma, HTML, CSS, Sass, and JavaScript.

E-Learning Platform Landing Page

E-Learning Platform Landing Page

This a Landing Page Design from Figma made by Vinay Tekwani, that I built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I developed this project to practice Semantic HTML.

pdc flow website project image

PDCflow API Website redesign

PDCflow API Reference is a website where you can find the list of PDCflow APIs. I redesign it using Figma.

Other Projects

project screenshot

Tip Calculator

project screenshot

Todo App

project screenshot

Social Proof Section


Got a question or just want to say hello? Go ahead.

  • Email